Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bangkok - Protests

As I'm composing this blogpost, I can't stop thinking about what I have heard on the news. Thais have always been admired for their peace-loving nature, and I really hope that the protests will remain peaceful. 

It's been a wild ride for Thailand these past few years. The courage of the people to stand up for their rights - and to do it peacefully, is a rare quality among Asian cultures. Lets all hope that the differences can be worked out soon, and that things will return to normal. 

To those travellers stranded in the airport and all over Thailand - the whole world is with you, and we hope that you will be able to return home soon to be with your friends and loved ones. Have patience, and take heart that you are witnessing democracy at work, a country trying to grapple with it's growing pains. This will be a part of Thai history, and you are a part of it. 

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