Agro tea plantation is managed by PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero), the state company (BUMN) which moves in the field of coffee, cocoa, rubber, tea, and holtikultura in East Java. Agro Wonosari Tea Garden is one of a comfortable place to visit because of the mild climate conditions and its natural beauty panorama. It is suitable for families, especially on weekends or the other vacation.
Tourists who visit the tea plantation can enjoy some of the beautiful places here and enjoy their time for recreation, sports, and other activities to get some knowledges. Wonosari Tea Garden provides many kinds of facilities for visitors to enjoy the natural charm of tea, fresh air while walking or running in the morning, watching the activity of the tea-picker, and hearn about how to cultivate tea until the processing of it, so it ready to be consumed.
Children also can enjoy other facilities, such as playing games in the Garden, Mini Train Ride, and the Mini Golf. In this location, also there ara swimming pool, minimarkets, telephone, facilities for events outbond, sport horse, healthy bicycle path, soccer field, volleyball, and tennis.
Travelers need not worry if want to stay for several days in this area because there are home stay that can be hired with the rates vary. For one room, visitors can rent between Rp 100,000-Rp 300,000 per night, depending on the complement of facilities provided, such as air conditioner and hot water shower. While the rent for a home stay, visitors can rent with the price range Rp 1,000,000-Rp 2000,000 per night, depending on the number of additional rooms and facilities available. If a visitor wants to camp, a visitor can use the land the camp that is also provided the location of this plantation.
For online reservation, just visit http://www.agro-ptpn12.com
Children also can enjoy other facilities, such as playing games in the Garden, Mini Train Ride, and the Mini Golf. In this location, also there ara swimming pool, minimarkets, telephone, facilities for events outbond, sport horse, healthy bicycle path, soccer field, volleyball, and tennis.
Travelers need not worry if want to stay for several days in this area because there are home stay that can be hired with the rates vary. For one room, visitors can rent between Rp 100,000-Rp 300,000 per night, depending on the complement of facilities provided, such as air conditioner and hot water shower. While the rent for a home stay, visitors can rent with the price range Rp 1,000,000-Rp 2000,000 per night, depending on the number of additional rooms and facilities available. If a visitor wants to camp, a visitor can use the land the camp that is also provided the location of this plantation.
For online reservation, just visit http://www.agro-ptpn12.com
Agro Wonosari Tea Garden is located on the slopes of Mount Arjuna, Malang regency, East Java. This plantation is located at an altitude between 950-1250 above sea (dpl) with temperatures between 19-26 degrees Celsius. It is located at the border between two villages, namely Toyomarto Village, District and Village Singosari Wonorejo, District Lawang, Malang regency, East Java. It is located on the main road west of Surabaya-Malang. Therefore, tourists who want to enjoy the tea garden enchantment carpet in this area can visit agro through Surabaya, East Java capital city, or start a journey through the city of Malang.
From Surabaya, the distance that must be applied to the tea plantation in the area is about 80 km to the south, while from the city of Malang, about 30 km to the north. Travel from Surabaya or Malang can be of use to the public (bus) or private vehicle. If using a public vehicle, visitors descend on the city suggested District Lawang, Malang Regency. From this district visitors can ride public transport (microbus) to go to the plantation area, 6 km distance.
For online reservation, just visit http://www.agro-ptpn12.com
For online reservation, just visit http://www.agro-ptpn12.com
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