Monday, July 25, 2011

Pacific Island, Pacific Islands, Islands Travel, Pacific Islands Travel, Pacific Island Tour, Pacific Island Trip, Pacific Island Tours and Travel, Bora Bora Honeymoon, Tour to Pacific Island, Tip to Pacific Island, Travel to Pacific Island, Where to Travel in Pacific Island, Pacific Island Tour Packages, Pacific Island Tourist Attractions, Pacific Island Destinations

Pacific Islands World’s best Tourist Destinations
Places: Pacific Islands Region With 65.3 million square miles (169.2 million square kilometers), the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world, covering about 32% of the Earth’s total surface. The vast area contains approximately 30,000 islands divided in Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia regions , Pacific Islands associated with the United States include the State of Hawaii, the Territory of American Samoa, Territory of Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Irrespective of political boundaries, the islands have multiple associations and affiliations through regional organizations in which many of these islands participate as member countries. Geographic remoteness is typical, and the associated costs of transport and shipping have a profound influence on island economies and societies. These commonalities further strengthen Pacific regional connections and approaches in dealing with environmental issues and climate change.  

The islands differ geomorphologically, from atolls with small, low islets and extensive lagoons, to raised limestone islands, to volcanic high islands with substantial topographic and internal climatic diversity (microclimates). They differ climatically as well, from wet western equatorial islands to seasonal tradewind environments. Pacific Island landscapes and biodiversity are many and varied. Forested areas are still common in upland areas of high islands such as Hawai‘i, American Samoa, Pohnpei, and Kosrae. Mangrove forests fringe some islands, and form the breeding grounds for many valuable fish species and other marine life. Rich lagoons interlace other islands. Throughout the region, coral reefs are abundant and productive. In addition to hosting a wealth of marine life, the reefs also provide a natural form of coastal protection against storm wave and wind damage. Terrestrial resources of small-island states are generally limited. Oceanic islands have lower overall levels of biological diversity. Island species are much more likely to be endemic (found only on a single island or archipelago) and more susceptible to disruption by biological invasions and species loss .

Geography of The Pacific Island
The Pacific Islands are so much more than a group of islands. In fact, by some estimates there are as many as 30,000 islands that make up the grouping. The islands, which are located south of the Tropic of Cancer, are comprised of three major groups: Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. Each of these distinct groups is noteworthy and unique. No trip through the Pacific Islands would be complete without at least one stop at each of the three groups.

Polynesia may very well contain the most famous of the Pacific Islands. Located within this grouping are New Zealand, Rotuma, The Hawaiian Islands, Midway Islands, American Samoa, Samoa, Tuvalu, Tonga, The Cook Islands and many more. Polynesia means, in fact, many islands. It is the largest of the three island groupings.

Melanesia, which means black islands, is also popular. Islands such as New Guinea (the largest of all the Pacific Islands), New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands and Fiji.

The “Small Islands,” or Micronesia, is full of many small islands, some of which are actually north of the equator. Islands in this group include Guam, Marianas, Wake Island, the Marshall Islands, Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia.

It is interesting to note that many of the islands are defined not by their own physical nature but by the archipelago they are a part of. Others use their political alliances to define them. Languages, of which many are similar, are distinct to the region and rely heavily on the glottal stop. Very few of the Pacific Island languages are written.

In some cases, the Pacific Islands are referred to as “Oceania” This definition is somewhat misleading as “Oceania” also includes the Malay Archipelago and Australasia. The Pacific Islands are a unique region of the world. Its many islands have created just as many cultures, traditions and languages.

Pacific Island Divisions
In the Pacific Ocean there are 20,000 to 30,000 islands that make up the Pacific islands. These islands are divided into two groups and three divisions. These two groups include the high lands and the low lands. Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia make up the divisions of the islands. Melanesia consists of mostly high lands while Micronesia and Polynesia consist of mostly low lands.

The name Melanesia comes from two Greek words meaning ‘black islands’. Melanesia extends from the Arafura Sea to the western end of the Pacific Ocean. Evidence shows that Melanesians are not genetically related to Micronesians or Polynesians. Some islands in Melanesia include New Guinea, Fiji, New Caledonia, and the Solomon Islands.

Micronesia is a name that comes from two Greek words meaning ‘small island’. The Micronesian culture was the last of these divisions to develop. Many of these islands were ruled by the Spanish in the 17th century until the 20th century when the United States, the British Empire, and Germany, took over few of the islands. Some islands located in Micronesia include the Marianas, Guam, Palau, the Marshal Islands, Wake Island, and the Federated States of Micronesia. Most of these islands lie north of the equator.

Polynesia comes from the Greek language and means ‘many islands’. This is the largest of the three divisions. Polynesia is defined as the islands inside of the Polynesian Triangle. The points of this triangle are considered to be Hawaii, New Zealand, and Easter Island. Some of these islands include New Zealand, Easter Island, Rotuma, the Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, the Cook Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands.
Many of these islands contain many tourist attractions. They are known for their scenery, abundance in fish and coral species, and their WWII shipwrecks. The water surrounding these islands are a very clear blue, making snorkeling and scuba diving a great business and tourist attraction.

Some Tourist Attraction In The Pacific Island

Hundreds of thousands of Australian tourists travel to the Pacific Islands resorts every year for their holidays. The image of a hula clad dancing girl swaying in the moonlight under a coconut palm beside a balmy Pacific Ocean has attracted Australian holiday makers for generations and now some of the most remote Pacific Islands have overtaken the larger ones as the most popular travel and holiday destinations.

Fiji, despite a coup or two, has always been one of the favourite Pacific Islands for Australians. There are many fantastic resorts and hundreds of islands to explore. The standards are high and the Fijian people are delightful. Fiji is a volcanic island rather than a coral atoll and consequently has unique scenery and attractions. There are several larger islands in the group and they are easily reached with plenty of international flights coming here on trans Pacific flights. Many Pacific cruise liners also include the Fijian Islands in their travel itinerarys.
Papua New Guinea is one of the most remote and primitive tourist destinations in the world. Travel here and you you will find an island paradise left behind by time and struggling to come to terms with catching up with the rest of the world. The scenery is spectacular and the people range from international businessmen and professional workers right through to almost stone age people living deep in the jungles. Port Moresby is the capital and entry point for travelers and regular flights are available from Australia.

Vanuatu is also known as the New Hebrides islands. It is also a popular Pacific Islands travel destination for Australians on holidays. The capital is Port Vila and it lies in the center of the island group that makes up Vanuatu. Here you will find some fantastic resorts complimented by a people with wonderful friendliness. Vanuatu is the birthplace of bungee jumping which has its origins in the local ritual where young men from Pentecost Island jump from a rickety timber tower with vines attached to their feet to prove there change from adolescence to manhood.

Pacific Islands like Tonga, Samoa, the Cook Islands,Tuvalu and Tahiti are also popular Pacific Island travel destinations where many Australians like to go for their holidays. They are safe destinations with scenery that is to die for. Modern resorts exist in all of these island nations and the laid back island atmosphere is palpable.
South Pacific
Hawaii is the best known of all the Pacific Island travel destinations. There are five major islands that all have fantastic holiday infrastructure. It doesn’t matter if you come here for the surf, the scenery or a golf holiday you will return home with a smile from ear to ear. You can fly over an active volcano or visit the historic remnants of the Pearl Harbour attack from world war two. Its local history is rooted in aquatic activities and it is the home of the surfing world with huge Pacific Ocean swells building fantastic waves for the experts to conquer.

Many of the inhabitants of these Pacific Island nations have traveled to New Zealand where they are collectively known as ‘The Maori people”. They completed fantastic voyages from their island homes in ocean going canoes and mastered the art of celestial navigation. Their history is now an integral part of the history of New Zealand and there culture is deeply rooted in this, now western, nation. New Zealand is the most beautiful country on earth with spectacular coastlines overshadowed by towering, snow capped, mountain ranges and magnificent lakes. It is the most popular skiing destination in the southern hemisphere with modern ski resorts on both the north and south islands. Queenstown on the South Island is the tourist capital while Wellington on the North Island is the political capital. Auckland in the north, is the largest city.

There is no doubt, that if you are drawn to travel to a fantastic holiday destination, then the islands of the Pacific Ocean are the best in the world.

Tags: Pacific Island, Pacific Islands, Islands Travel, Pacific Islands Travel, Pacific Island Tour, Pacific Island Trip, Pacific Island Tours and Travel, Bora Bora Honeymoon, Tour to Pacific Island, Tip to Pacific Island, Travel to Pacific Island, Where to Travel in Pacific Island, Pacific Island Tour Packages, Pacific Island Tourist Attractions, Pacific Island Destinations

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