Monday, May 3, 2010

The Bagan Dynasty

The 8th wonder of the world, there are more than 2000 pagodas & shrines built during the Bagan Dynasty founded by King Anawratha in 1044 AD. Many of these ‘temple pyramids' rival the pyramids of Egypt in size. But the Egyptian pyramids pale in comparison to the complex ornamentation of these architectural marvels, which resemble huge ‘wedding cakes' on a red and arid plain. Watching sunset from the BUPAYA PAGODA for the view over the AYEYARWADDY RIVER and the many ancient monuments is a memorable experience which make this one of Asia's most impressive historic sites. Sightseeing normally starts with a visit to the busy local street market offering local produce, souvenirs & clothing and continues with visits to a diverse selection of the most important pagodas and temples. Included are: SHWEZIGON PAGODA, built by King Anawrahta in the early 11th C as a religious shrine; KU BYAUK GYI, a temple with exquisite murals of Jataka scenes; KHAY MIN GA TEMPLE, noted for its spectacular panoramic view of the area's many monuments and ANANDA TEMPLE, with four huge standing Buddha images and numerous seated figures in niches around the galleried interior.

You may visit a lacquer craftsmen's workshop in nearby MYINKABA village or continue sightseeing to MANUHA TEMPLE, built in the Mon style in 1059; NANBAYA TEMPLE, a unique sandstone monument, said to have been the palace of King Manuha; MYINGABA GU BYAUKGYI TEMPLE noted for mural paintings under the protection of UNESCO. The ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, with a collection of bronze, stone and lacquer Buddha images clothes and gems, is also visited.

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