Thursday, October 15, 2009

Indonesian Travel - Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi is the only volcano that are in Yogyakarta, and even called a "volcano of the most active in the world. With a height of 2,968 m. dml (the 2001), or 3,079 meters above the city of Yogyakarta, Mount Merapi is located at 7 ° 32.5 'South Latitude and 110 ° 26.5' East Longitude, so administratively, including in this mountain area of Sleman, Magelang, Boyolali, and Klaten.

Mount bertipe strato with the lava dome is famous guguran lava that still occur frequently. Guguran lava beauty can be witnessed from the city of Yogyakarta with the naked eye because the lava looks bright light, especially when there at night. However, when want, visitors can see some more from close observation post with the first official contact, such as from Kaliurang Observation Post (post two), Observation Post Babadan, Krinjing, Jrakah, and Selo.

For the people of Java, Mount Merapi is a source of spiritual strength. Each year in the month Rejeb, the Kraton always make offerings to Mount Merapi to the mountain is not "angry" as the case also Ratu done to the South Sea in Labuhan ceremony.

Tour Mount Merapi developed in various forms; Art Area, for example, Kaliadem, Kalikuning Merapi Golf, Forest Tourism Turgo-Plawangan, Nature and climbing Mount Merapi. Management of tourism and the place is adequately dealt with the provision of various facilities and lodging places in the location of objects around the tour.
When the Mount Merapi volcano is quiet, you can climb to the peak. There are three routes that follow the general climber, both beginners and professionals, namely point Kinahrejo / Kaliadem from the south side, through Babadan point west slope, and point Selo / Plalangan from the north peak of Merapi. The third point is need stamina, endurance or physical and mental prime and the third contains the risk of danger if not careful.

- If you really want to climb Mount Merapi, look downright status of Merapi.
- Bring equipment and supplies adequate

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