Monday, July 25, 2011



According to Hindu myth the most sacred Mt. Kailash formed six millions years ago when the mountains were in their formatting stage. Mt. Kailash is the youngest mountain that lies in Karakuram Range and Naga Parvat.

Mount Kailash "Kang Rimpoche"; the sacred pilgrimage of Asia that lies in the South-West of Tibetan autonomous region of China-Nagri is accessible through four routes. Two via Nepal; one via India and one via Pakistan.

Despite being a sacred and venerated pilgrimage site for billions of Buddhists, Hindus, Jains & Practioners of the Bon regions, not more than a thousand to fifteen hundred outside from
Tibet make trip each year. Mt. Kailash is a unique and the most venerated destination, et least visited among the world's major holy places.

Through it is possible to
reach Mt. Kailash from Pakistan via Kajerba Pass, very few tourists take that route. The Government of India through the lottery system allows a couple of hundreds pilgrims to enter Tibet from Darchula in India. From the Nepalese side more than thousand tourists, ever year, mostly Indians, Europeans and few US citizens undertake the demanding et fulfilling land journey of more than 800 kilometers.

Hindu believe
Mt. Kailash to be the adobe of Lord Shiva. Legend believe, immortal Shiva lives on the top of Kailash Parbat where he spends most of his time practicing yogic austerities. Making joyous and love with his divine companion Parvati. For a Hindu, to make the laborious pilgrimage of Kailash and have Darshan (divine view) of Shiva adobe is to attain release from the clutches of ignorance and disillusons. The Jain call the mountain Astapada and believe it to be the place where 'Risabha Dev', the first of the twenty-four Tirthankars attained liberations.

Followers of
Bon, Tibet's pre-Buddhist Shamanistic religion call the mountain, Sipai Man (Sky Goddess). Additionally Bonmyths regard Tise as the site of a legendary where 12th century battle of sorcery between the Buddhist Saga Milarepa and the Bon-Shaman Naro-Bon-Chug took place Milarepa's win over Saman displaced Bon as the primary religion of Tibet, firmly establishing Buddhism into prominence. Although Buddha is believed to have magically visited Kailash in the 5th century BC, the religion of Buddhism only entered Tibet via Nepal and India in the 7th century AD. Tibetan Buddhist call the mountain Kang Rimpoche, "the precious one of Glaciel Snow" and regard it as the dwelling place of Demchog (also known as Chakra Samvara) and his consort, Dorsephagmo. Three hills rising near Kang Rimpoche are believed to be the homes of the Bodhistvas Manjushree, Virapani and Avalokiteshvara.

The journey to the foot of
Mt. Kailash is hard but the task of circumnutating the sacred peak is even harder. This hardest round Mt. Kailash is called Kora or Parikrama that normally takes three das. In hopes of gaining extra merit of pschic powers, some pilgrims complete the journey in just a day, which is a miracle. Others take two to three weeks for the Kora b making full body prostration through the entire way. Buddhists and Hindus round the peak clockwise while Bons route it anticlockwise.

Mt. Kailash a glittering dome of snow towering 6714 meters (22022 ft) above the windswept landscape of Tibetan Plateau is a mesmerizing jewel. West of Mt. Kailash lies the ruins of the "lost cities" of Tsaprang and Tholing once the capitals of the owerful kingdom of Guge, where some of the finest and earliest Buddhist murals still stand.

Sklark Adventure, India offers easiest and least trouble itinerar for this pilgrimage. First part of this tour cum trek involves a bus ride from Kathmandu through Nepal border at Kodari to Naylam (160 km). The second part of the journey starts from Zangmu to Darchen in a rugged four wheel Land Cruisers for four days. The third and the final part is the three-days Parikrama from Darchen. This is the part, which holds optimum passionation of the pilgrimage. The first day trek takes you from Driaphuk through Dolma-la pass (5600 meters) to Zuthulphuk Gompa. The third and the final day of the Parikrama is a short one of 8 km. After that, four-wheeler's drive takes over for the return journey via the same route.

The Tibetan side of the journey is extremely difficult. The route from Naylam to
Lake Mansarover through the Tibetan Plateau is a rough dirt road where there are no petrol stations or wayside amenities. This route's altitude averages between 3700-4500 meters (above 14000 ft). The hardest part of the journey is the three days Parikrama round Mt. Kailash where ou have to go across Dolma-La Pass at the altitude of 5600 meters.

Dolma-La Pass the temperature has been recorded as low as -16 degree centigrade. So, main problem during this entire Yatra is Altitude Sickness (mid nausea and lost of appetite) and cold. To minimize altitude sickness high intakes of fluids and water is recommended while to avoid cold proer selection of clothing and equipment is important.

Skylark Adventure, India has a perfect blend of professinal manpower who had dealt with the above problems several times succesfully and have been a mediator for more than twent five hundred pilgrims for their safe and successful Yatra of Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar the home of Lord Shiva. If you have any enquiry regarding this venerable Yatra you are always welcomed to contact us. 

Tags: Kailash Mansarovar , Kailash Mansarovar  Yatra, Mansarovar  Yatra, Kailash Yatra, Kailash Mansarovar  Pilgrimage Tour, Holy Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

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